The Sacketts

Two part TV adaptation of Louis L'Amour's third novel in the Sackett series. The story follows the three Sackett brothers out west from their...

Starring: Ana Alicia, Ben Johnson, Bill Hart, Brian Libby, Bruce M Fischer, Buck Taylor, Don Collier, Frank Ramírez, Gene Evans, Gilbert Roland, Glenn Ford, Jack Elam, James Gammon, James O'Connell, Jeff Osterhage, John Vernon, Lee de Broux, LQ Jones, Marcy Hanson, Mark Wallace, Mercedes McCambridge, Monique St Pierre, Pat Buttram, Pat Mahoney, Paul Koslo, R
Countries: USA
Release Date: May 15, 1979
Runtime: 240 mins
IMDb Rating: The Sacketts (1979) on IMDb

3.30/5 - (66 Votes)

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